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Prime Minister:Financial Opportunities For Squatters

People who are living in squatter settlements who have 99 years given by Government are now able to step into financial sector. With land as collateral they can excess loan from mainstream bank.Prime Minister made the remarks at the Fifth Urban Forum at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi yesterday .

In his keynote address,he said that this loans could be used to build better,stronger and more resilient homes,business and communal buildings .He said these people had lived for decades in these informal settlements called homes by these squatters who did not own he land on which they lived .

"For these families ,securities is tenuous and life difficult ,their lack of tenure had left them shackled by uncertainty and isolated from mainstream development,and planning for the future is all but possible . Like many other Pacific Countries, these informal settlements - plague by under investment - are the least equipped to deal with worsening climate impacts ."In Fiji Today, we're righting that historic injustice by handling over 99 years leases to squatter families on land they've called home for decades .

"I've seen tears of joy , I've heard first - hand - how their lives have been changed for the better.But what had stayed with me the most vividly, is hearing the dreams how this families now aspire to achieve to finally being granted a level of ownership over their communities".He said with the long term tenure, these families see he world through a new lens .

"Oftentimes, these communities understand their own adaptation needs better than anyone else can,and when they're able to think 99 years into the future ,they can plan and they can built better . And when climate impacts bears down on our country , the adaptive investment they are making today will spare future suffering and literally save lives .

"The stories of this Fijians families are top of mind for me this morning, because i believe they get to heart of our mission at this Fifth Urban Forum,as we discuss the critical issue of urban resilience and climate change .

Mr Bainimarama said Fiji is now seeing some of the most rapid rates of urbanization on the planet where families were moving to the cities looking for work or to further their education,sometimes escaping climate impacts and other times seeking the convenience of the city living .


Bayshore Real Estate Fiji

Bayshore Real Estate , works for Bayshore Real Estate LLC, at our branch in Nadi