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Investment to be encouraged, says Narube

Unity Fiji Party Leader and former governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji, Savenaca Narube, says investors assess corporate tax before investing in a business.

He says the investment is the locomotive of economic growth.

Narube says it’ll be impossible for an economy to grow without investment.

“Without investment, your economy won’t grow, no new jobs will be created, you’ll be sharing the same size of pie and so that is not a good scenario for us so we need investment, local as well as overseas investment, and one of the things they look at is corporate tax, the other is some of the investment allowances.”

Narube states that investors also look at the political environment of a country before investing, and this is why it is imperative for the government to maintain political stability.

He has also called on the government to diversify into other sectors of the economy, especially resource-based sectors.

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